Sponsorship LEvels:
Major Benefactor $20,000
Three tables of 10 guests
Sponsorship, Name & Logo Recognition on All Platforms
Hall of Fame Perks
Gold Sponsor $10,000
Two tables of 10 guests
Sponsorship, Name & Logo Recognition on All Platforms
Hall of Fame Perks
Silver Sponsor $5,000
One table of 10 guests
Sponsorship, Name & Logo Recognition on All Platforms
Hall of Fame Perks
Hall of fame $2,500
One table of 10 guests
VIP Bar with Top Shelf Liquors
1 Pony Ticket, 14 Wine Toss
Rings, 1 Pick the Lock Key
Opry Themed Favors
Sponsorship, Name & Logo Recognition on All Platforms
Corporate Sponsor $2,000
One table of 10 guests
Sponsorship, Name & Logo Recognition on All Platforms
Friends of CDD Table $1,500
One table of 10 guests
Sponsorship, Name & Logo Recognition on All Platforms
Friends of CDD $350
Two guest seats
Recognition on Screen and Program